Searching for a Location
- is highly visible.
- has lots of pedestrian traffic.
- has no other competition.
- is easily accessible for your cart.
- is easily accessible for your customers.
- is close to a large hungry population.
Click here for a list of potential Hot Dog Cart Location Ideas .
Do not be shy when asking for permission to locate your cart. Many businesses will appreciate a high quality, reliable food vendor. Some recognize that it keeps their employees close to work at lunch time (therefore shorter lunch breaks and more productivity). Others will realize that you may actually help attract customers to their business! Be sure to mention these points to local businesses.
A good location may require you to pay rent to the land owner. Be sure to highlight the above advantages to him if he is also a large business operator such as a plaza owner, factory, or retail outlet. Click here for a Sample Rental Agreement that you can use. Include that exclusivity clause if you can!
Click here for more ideas from Will on How to Select a Location .